

来源://www.ybnettech.com/ 发布时间:2024-04-08

1、用大量清水冲洗铝板板表面,使用浸有经水稀释过的洗涤剂,软布轻轻的擦试板面,大量的清水冲洗板面将脏物冲走,检查板面,对于没有洗干净的地方用洗涤剂重点清洗; 用清水冲洗板面,直至将洗涤剂全部冲掉。

1. Rinse the surface of the aluminum plate with a large amount of clean water, use a detergent diluted with water, and gently wipe the surface of the plate with a soft cloth. Rinse the plate surface with a large amount of clean water to remove dirt, inspect the plate surface, and focus on cleaning areas that have not been cleaned with detergent; Rinse the board surface with clean water until all the detergent is removed.



2. Daily maintenance can be done by wiping with clean water. When cleaning, use a large amount of diluted detergent with clean water before wiping. If stubborn stains cannot be cleaned, use a specialized aluminum buckle plate cleaner. The cleaner must be neutral, not salty or acidic, for deep cleaning. Finally, wipe with clean water and let it air dry.


3. When conducting deep cleaning, it should be done in two steps. The first step is to wipe with a soft cloth soaked in water, and the second step is to use detergent to clean it again. Professional cleaning agents such as cleaning agents can also be used to clean grease, oil stains, and dirt. Open the window and let it dry naturally. If the ventilation and sunlight are not good, use a high-quality tissue to wipe it once.
